What inspires you?

What keeps you going? Do you have a favorite story? A quote?

I do – actually I have several, but more on that later.

I like to think of them as internal reminders. It didn’t change the challenges, but it altered my spirit. It made it possible for me to go on.

At Global Bridgebuilders we know that we invite enterprises to take sometimes challenging steps. To make that step easier, it takes a bit of inspiration. Inclusion is not simply something we do, but something we live holistically, combining action and emotions.

So I invite you to come to this space to pick up on the thoughts, perspectives, quotes that have inspired and motivated me and our team. In the process of inclusion and innovation we do not live by metrics alone, but by uplift and insight.

Thanks for reading.


And if you have a favorite quote or story, let us know. You can email us here.

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